It's been a long day. Mom dropped me off at Sara's in the morning. Jumped into her bed and slept until 11 when I suddenly shouted cause my leg hurt like fck. Muscle pull. Yeah. It's back again. Pfft. Well.. for the past few weeks. I've been checking air-fares cause I want to go to Aus and visit Ming. Yea. I know. I've been tracking it down and two weeks before that I JUST remembered that my mom made a promise to me that I can go if I study hard and workout everyday. Cause last year. I could go during winter but I did'nt want to go cause Jihee was still here and I was spending time with her. So I turned down the offer. and It was a great deal. But I turned it down. and now when I want to go. My mom said no cause I am re-doing my room and going to Bandung soon. So she said no. I was kind of upset cause I really thought I could dissapear for two weeks and spend my time there shopping and sipping coffeee near a coffee shop. Riding busses, ferries and subway to get where I want to and It will be PURE freedom. I want those kind of lifestyle. I want to be free from my parents and it's kind of the whole reason why I want to go there straight away after SPM. I want to get out of my parents nest and work myself to get money. and travel around the world with no hesitation.
Sorry friends. If your reading this. I just want freeedom. Going out at night with no worries that I will get raped or kidnapped or whatever. and just simply being happy. But if I did stay here. I dont think I'll be happy cause I'll still be asking my parents for money. and I dont want to. Cause it's kind of weird in my point of view that your still asking parents for money eventhough your old enough to get your ass off the couch and work. No offense to college students. Hmmmm... All I am saying is that I want to go somewhere different cause school here is like a routine. You go to school and you come back. and you do homework. But why do you do all that for? I dont get it. Whats the point of doing something that you dont want to and not enjoy doing it? I'd rather do something I want to. Sadly, it's the way of life and I have to tahan with it for less than two years. and after that I am going to go.
Ok. Let's talk about today. Went to Ikea with Sara and Azman. Ate Meatballs and Diam cake. : DD and then walked around Ikea. Me and Sara adopted our first child. I step towards responsibility. Since we were at Sara's first. She gets it first and I will get it two weeks later. He will be exchanged every fortnight. It's a flower. It's name is Little Basssy. We were suppose to get something that only had leaves but we chose a pretty one. : )
First Picture with Little Basssy.
Little Bassy's first car ride. : )
Birth Cerfiticate.
His box of death. If anything falls out or die. We will put it in the Box of Death. and yes. Some had fallen out.
Thats all I bought today. Yeah. I know. Shocker. But I went to this boutique and it was like 50% off for everything. Might drag my mom there tomm. I found this dress that I like. It's soo me. I feel good that I actually have something to take care of now. But if Little Bassy dies and one of us caused it. We have to go get another. and it will be named Little Basssy Junior.
OK. I dont want to drag it any longer. Sorry if I bore you. But Hey! You get to meet Little Bassy. I am going to create a facebook account for him so that whoever that meets him will only be approved. and so far. He only met his parents (sara and me) and Azman. : D I know. It sounds weird but it's good. A step towards parenthood.
Going to go watch a movie now. Mom has beeen calling me to watch it with her. Ciao.