Monday, January 4, 2010


Morning again. First day of school started off with such a bang. You want to know why? Here are the reasons...
  1. There's a chance that I might not get into Arts. They put me in Science 2 but I want to get into Arts.
  2. Misplaced some things. (I'll post about that later).
  3. I am avoiding Pimpi and I dont know why.... Sara says I am like running away from a snake.
OK. Let's go back to number 2. The day when I was packing. I doubled check that I brought my uniform but sadly it was only one. The other one was at home. So last night, my dad was drunk. I called him to go check in my closet whether there's my uniform but he said 'No'. So when my mom called again and asked him. He said 'yes'. So. This morning when I went to my closet and checked it was there. Mom was kind of pissed that I dont believe my father. It's true. How can you trust a drunk? Anyways, last night. I went out to get my P.E pants and photostat my results. My mission was completed but when I went back and found out that my uniform was'nt there. I was in such bad mood. Mom was like scolding me 'why cant you do things that are needed first? Before you do something else????'

Whatever what I did... I did it. There is no going back. So... Let's go Number 1. Mom is going to complain bad if I dont go Arts. So... I will see how. If I dont get it today. I will call her and she will come.

Number 3. I dont know why... I feel scared.... blah. I got to go now... Time to go to schoool. !!!!! : (

Oyea. and there's sports practice today....... : (

Will post tomm morning. Ciao


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